Experience Protege.




2021 Finalists NZ Salon of the Year

7 Finalist Images across Editorial Stylist of the Year - Cover Shot and Colour Concept

Welcome to Protege.

We are a team of passionate, award-winning stylists with experience in all areas of hairdressing.

We pride ourselves on providing a luxurious, relaxing experience and making your hair goals a reality.

Our salon is partnered with brands to colour and care for your hair, ensuring exceptional results every time.

Every detail plays an important part in who we are as a salon – from our holistic approach to caring for our team, the cleanliness of the salon and the salon atmosphere, to ongoing professional development, premium products and everything in between – nothing is ever overlooked.



Our community is very important to us and to recognise this, philanthropy is a fundamental part of our business model. 

Each year we support local organisations, schools, charities and community events in the form of monetary donations, gift baskets/vouchers used for fundraising or items purchased and donated specific to that charity or organisation.

Buying, sourcing and supporting local is another way we like to support our community.  Whanganui is spoilt for choice when it comes to excellent businesses, so when we are purchasing, hosting an event or simply finding a little something extra for our team or clients, we make sure to check out our local talent!

If you have an organisation, charity or fundraising event you would like support for, click below and let us know!


Our goal is to have a beautiful, clean salon that is also environmentally considerate.

Together as a team we are making an effort to change our “salon life style” with the following initiatives.

Following the refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle steps to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.

Visit The Dispensary - our in-salon refilling service. Buy your bottles once and refill as required. Click here for more info.

Partnering with environmentally conscious suppliers - our suppliers are all working towards reducing or neutralising their carbon footprint and/or provide other community-minded services.

Recycling is an essential part of our sustainable commitment. All foil, cardboard, paper, plastic and glass are recycled. 

Protege retail bags are made from recycled, recyclable paper.  These are designed to be re-used many times and then disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. 

Energy saving lighting and appliances are used throughout the salon.

If you have suggestions on how we can reduce our environmental impact we would love to hear from you! Click the button below to pop us an email.